Isn't it amazing how children can so easily take an ordinary object, such as a box...or an area rug, and turn it into a toy they'll play with for hours?
Combine that with the ease at which you can make up seemingly correct words in the English language and you've got yourself a barrel of laughs waiting to happen!
The following applicable story was related to me by my sister and brother-in-law regarding my precious, sweet innocent niece, Emily.
They had dropped Emily off at child-care or Sunday School at church, and of course Emily immediately began playing. She decided that a section of an area rug in the room was a ow a swimming pool, or other body of water. She "changed" into her swimsuit, and jumped into the virtual pool.
The pool just isn't the same without pool toys, so she was using some K'nex shapes as toys for the "water."
On this particular day, she had selected some hook-shaped pieces to play with when her friend, Hedgewick (not his real name) came into the room to play. This was exciting!
Naturally, one would not just jump into a body of water the size of an area rug without the proper clothing...or toys, so Emily yelled out to her friend loud enough to be heard down the halls at church:
"Hedgewick! Put on your swimming suit and get your hooker!"
Photo info: Emily is on the left, my daughter Rebecca is on the right. Click to enlarge!
HA! Too adorable!
Posted by: Kim | February 16, 2009 at 10:08 AM
This is "Hedgewick's" mother and the kids Sunday School teacher...I think that this needs to be sent in to Parenting or Parents magazines under their blooper section!!! Those two kids crack me up when they are together!
Posted by: Aimee Kieffer | February 18, 2009 at 10:15 AM