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February 18, 2009


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Gypsy at Heart

Really nice shot!



Oh, yes, Star Wars is still very popular! I have three boys and it is on the top of their favorite list. Of course, daddy helps keep it on top, as he is a HUGE fan. Happy WW!

My World's a Stage

Great shot!

I came to the Star Wars craze many many years after the original release, but now it has a special place in my heart. Did I ever tell you about the time I played an Ewok onstage? ha!


That cake is AWESOME!! I cannot wait to show this to my husband who...um... has a massive collection of Star Wars stuff (:


Charming! :-)


What an awesome cake! Hope it was a lovely Birthday :)


Star Wars is definately still popular - when I went to rent the cake pan, I was told it was the third time that week it was rented! As I write this, my children are glued to Episode II and the Barbies are Jedi!!

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