My oldest daughter, Rebecca, is a talented artist (click here for a published example) and is always drawing. She throws away drawings that I think should be framed!
Well naturally, Rachel, the 2nd grader has followed suite and now ALSO draws all the time. We go through a ton of drawing paper pads, colored pencils, and all other art supplies. It's funny, I used to think that I drew a lot, but I still have some of my original packs of pencils and pads! Clearly, my daughters are working on a whole different level.
Last night, my wife brought me the following drawing which when quizzed, Rebecca told us RACHEL had done all by herself. There is obvious portions of Rebecca's style in the drawing, but not too bad for someone entering 2nd grade! I can't wait to see what kind of style Rachel develops as she continues to draw.
That is SO cute! Love it.
Posted by: motherofbun | July 10, 2009 at 03:34 PM
Amazing! Sorry I have been BMIA (blog MIA). You're too talented a family. Clearly you stole someone else's talents and now some poor family is sitting around good at nothing.
Posted by: Mel | July 13, 2009 at 11:50 PM