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November 13, 2009


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thanks for the laugh Gregg. That is very funny. It seems as though you are very concerned about Rachel's crying while you and Diane are out:)
I can't wait till Marissa is old enough to babysit Mason (about 5 more yrs) and maybe I will get the same drama in my house. Not sure if it will be as dramatic though since he's a boy. I guess we'll find out soon enough....


That is hysterical. You could have boys in which case there would be red faces because of the smacking going on.

Kathy G

When we had Son #1 babysitting his two brothers, I would get them all in a room together before we left and say something like, "#1, you're in charge, and tomorrow I'll ask you how it went. However, I'll also be getting a report from your brothers, so don't DARE think about abusing your authority!"

Never had any problems.


that is so very funny. gota love those kids.

Gregg's Mom

I think Rachel is giving Rebecca some of what Rebecca also did. Your girls are different, but they are exactly the same with going to bed. Rebecca also got very sad and would cry, "I miss my Mommy" when she'd go to bed. The diffeence is, Grandma would talk them out of it and read till they felt better or fell asleep. Both girls needed me in the room till they went to sleep, ugh. So Rebecca, it is pay back time.

john cave osborne

love it! my wife and i always say we're in the perfect position. we have a daughter that was six when we had our triplets. at some point, the babies (now two) will be built in playmates and the older daughter (now six) will be the built-in babysitter.

nice work!

Bob Crowe

Hey, Gregg. Thanks for your comment today. It's a Canon G11. Not a cheepie but full manual control available and terrific image quality.


This is great! I fully expect the same when my drama queen can put all her words in print!


I love it Gregg! I have a drama queen at home myself! Gotta love our girls!


Oh wow, this made me howl with laughter. As the oldest of two daughters, I was often roped into babysitting, and it is a documented fact that younger siblings recognize no authority in their older siblings. I can only imagine where your older daughter was while the younger one was writing this. Probably somewhere throwing her hands in the air hahaha.

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