One of the truly great things for a parent, if you have more than one kid and they are separated by a few years, occurs when the first child hits the teen years, believe it or not. What is this great thing? Why it's built-in baby-sitting, of course!
Our daughters are approximately six years apart, so we have the perfect baby-sitting situation. This is very useful, due to all the rehearsals, performances and other similar events that my wife and I have. It's nice that the youngest can get in bed on time (if it is a night-time event) and they would BOTH rather not be tagging along for these things, in general.
A couple of years ago, we made a deal with Rebecca that if she could be a baby-sitter on demand, we'd let her have unlimited texting on her phone. Good deal, right? Answer: yes it is! No driving to get a baby-sitter, no pestering relatives to watch the kids, and no kids missing bedtimes!
This ideal situation we have is not perfect, however. The two are BOTH incredibly dramatic, which, while useful in musicals and plays and such, is not such a great help at home. Additionally, they both revel in getting on each other's nerves and generally making things difficult on each other.
One of the neat things that Rachel, the younger, does EVERY SINGLE TIME WE ARE GONE PAST HER BEDTIME, is manufacture a crying fit at bedtime, because she "misses her Mommy."
Since she has begun to learn that whole reading and writing thing, she often leaves notes for Dianne, outlining the entire situation. While I'm certain that Rebecca is not the model of niceness to her while we are gone (as she certainly is not while we are home!), the notes crack me up. Today, for your viewing and reading pleasure, I publish the latest such note! (click on the note for a better view)
In case you are having trouble with the creative spelling, I will now translate for you (text in parenthesis is added by me):
Dear Mom,
Rebecca won't let me call you. (good!) I've been crying for a long time and since I am crying so much, my face is turning very red! (notice: she had enough time in the little show to check out her own face) Next time, I want you to take me.
P.S. Come down soon (her room is in the basement and she always wants us to come and see her as soon as we get home) and Rebecca is making fun of me because I am sad. (BAD REBECCA! Can't you be nice to your sister?)
Isn't that just precious? I think my favorite part is the drawing of a sad face, with the note attached saying "This is my face now."
Oh, the drama!