My daughters are both taking violin lessons. If you have been reading this blog for any time, you know that my family is into music and performing arts BIG TIME. So, it's natural that our daughters would be taking some kind of musical lessons. I think their are two very universal instruments, that are used in just about every style of western music: the piano, and the violin. I personally took piano, but for my oldest daughter, violin was more appealing. She's been taking a few years, now.
Rachel, the youngest, couldn't wait to start taking violin lessons, either, and has been taking since September.
Last night was their spring recital, and naturally I was there to take pictures...oh, and to listen, of course.
I took probably 50 or 60 pictures, all under kind of tricky situations to get any really good shots: under horrid and dim green fluorescent lighting, kids blocked by music stands, and the need to take the shots using a telephoto lens, which really compresses the image.
All pictures where taken hand-held, used Auto-white balance in the camera, then Auto-white balanced AGAIN in GIMP, which sometimes made a very slight adjustment. I also used GIMP to reduce the saturation a bit. The combination of these steps made for some unique looking portraits, I think!
Nikon D60, no flash, 55-200mm telephoto zoom lens. Some pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.
This is Rachel, sitting in her seat after playing the first time in the recital.
Rachel, on the left, performing!
Rebecca performing, shot between the stands and audience! Cropped to square format. I like the bow action on this one.
Rebecca performing.